In order for our children to live and know

nature, there are many things we like to do alongside them as a part of our curriculum delivery and we are passionate about preserving this domain for our children.
With a nature area, as opposed to a manicured garden, there should be an element of wildness. When our grounds are a little more 'a la natural' the grounds reward us with many learning experiences. In the past we have had a family of quails take up residence and children have found baby birds and returned them to their nests.
When trees and kai grow at children's height they can appreciate nature first hand which is why we preserve these spaces based on our children's needs. Our nature area is set up so children can explore and challenge themselves, to view bugs and animals, to move, to play with resources such as leaves and to lose themselves and recharge in nature in wild intimate pockets of natural space.
Sometimes our lawns inside the gate will look a little long but they are ready for some great exploration from our tamariki to explore and learn about what Papatuanuku has provided for us.