As a part of meeting our licensing criteria we are required to carry out emergency drills as a part of our emergency plan. We were pleased this week that our routine fire drill happened earlier in the day so some of our whānau got to participate with us. Thanks whānau for following the instructions from our staff - you did exactly as we asked.
You will have seen at each of our entrances to the building we have our emergency procedures noted (see the photo left). Next time you're in please take the time to familiarise yourself with these. Our tamariki are very familiar with our fire, earthquake and lockdown drills which we do four times each per year.
During a fire drill we assemble at the fence by our entrance to the Centre and our tamariki are really good at getting to this safe place quickly. As we often have visitors to our Centre with their children, we remind whānau to follow the instructions of our staff (which includes ensuring your children are with you) to make sure everyone is accounted for.
In the event of a lockdown situation our families should be aware that our Centre would be locked (and people will be unable to come or go) until emergency services have advised us otherwise. This may mean that you have to trust us to care for your child during the time that you are separated. We hope that we are never in this situation but must be prepared in case we are.