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  • nancywintercentre

Lunch boxes will be changing in 2021...

There have been some changes to ECE licensing criteria which will come into effect in January 2021 and all families will be directly affected. The changes are around supervision of children whilst eating, first aid requirements and nutrition – more specially what foods must be excluded from lunchboxes and how different foods can be presented to children dependent upon their age. You may remember last year we asked our whānau for feedback on the proposed changes and we shared your feedback with the Ministry of Education during the consultation process, however one year later the suggested changes are now to be implemented and these will be the rules we will have to adhere to moving forward.

We have hard copies of this document that we are required to share with you and new enrolments from this point forward, that you can collect in the Centre office or you can click on the link below.

We would appreciate whānau taking the time to read this document and make sure that the food you send with your child fits the criteria around nutrition that we now need to meet. We will be reviewing our Food policy and will ask for your input into this policy shortly to ensure we as a Centre are meeting the needs of the amended licensing criteria and the needs of our families.

If you have any concerns or need clarification, please talk to our team.

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