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We're back at level 2 and this is how things look for us.

Kia ora whānau

We continue to be well informed by the Ministry of Education regarding what we are required to do upon opening at each level.

The key message we would like to get across to our whānau is that safe and sensible practices for hygiene and contact tracing will be the norm and all children will be able to return, so long as they remain well.

Before returning to our Centre, please take the time to read the following information below. It contains some specifics that you’ll need to know about before your child/ren atttend:

Physical Distancing

· It is difficult in our environment to maintain distance between children and teachers and you can still expect your child to receive a cuddle or hug when they need it, but all adults that enter the Centre will need to maintain physical distance from each other including children other than their own.

· We will require families to minimise the length of time at the Centre at drop off and pick up (unless they are re-settling their child/ren) and we ask that at each visit only one person enters the Centre.

· We will not be visiting school at this time and we request that school children do not come into our space.

· Please only one person in the office at a time.

Contact Tracing at our Place:

· Whoever signs your child in or out needs to have their current contact details listed with us as a part of your child’s enrolment agreement. Please make sure all contacts (including emergency contacts) are current at our Centre. When signing in and out, please write your name and the time. We need to know who is dropping off and picking up children each day.

· If you need to be at the Centre for longer than a few minutes, we require you to sign in and out in the Office in our Visitors book as well.


· Under adult supervision, children will regularly wash and dry their hands and when this is not possible hand sanitiser will be used.

· Each child will need their own named lunch box with their own food.

· There will not be sharing of food at our Centre, this includes birthday cakes. We will be recognising birthdays during level two in a different way and will share this with you soon.

· We are able to prepare food on our premises like we do from the kai garden.

· All surfaces will be disinfected and cleaned daily – this includes toys, books and puzzles etc.

· There will be limited toys etc out for children to play with. These will be cleaned and rotated accordingly. Over the past few weeks our attending children and teachers have spent a lot of time outdoors. We will to continue to encourage outdoor play where possible – autumn is such a lovely season!


· Please do not enter the Centre if you are at all unwell – arrange for someone who is well to drop your child off.

· Children must not attend if they are unwell. Any child who is unwell will be isolated and arrangements made for the child to be collected. We appreciate your co-operation with this.

· Please do not send toys with your child – children can bring cuddlies for bed etc, but these need to be regularly laundered.

· A reminder we are now a ‘Nut-free Centre’. Please consider this when putting your childs lunchbox together.

· Our water fountains will not be used at this time. Water for children will continue to be provided and monitored.

Communication and Invoices

· Please keep in contact with us if your situation changes. It is helpful for us as we plan ahead for the coming months during this uncertain time.

· If your child is not returning at level 2 we will not charge you until you return but will retain your booking for when you are ready. Please let us know if you will keep your child home at level 2.

· If you have been receiving the WINZ subsidy, we will get this restarted once your child returns.

We know this is a lot to take in, but it is all necessary so we can operate under level two restrictions. If you would like to know further details on how we are managing hygiene and health and safety aspects please let us know, as we have further information we can share.

We look forward to seeing you all next week as we continue to cruise through into May. We know our families will be keen to catch up with each other. Rather than a ‘carpark catch-up’, please consider going for a ‘coffee’ in town and supporting our local businesses. I know they’d love your support.

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